Friday, February 11, 2005

Antaria: The Metrians

The Metrians comprise what may be the most traditional of all the classes of Antaria, and it is for this reason that they are closely watched. On the one hand, the Metrians are consummate scholars - researching, perusing, and scribing many works on arcane lore for the reference of generations to come. On the other hand, the Metrians wield some of the most powerful destructive magics on the face of the continent, and in some cases have been instrumental in many of its wars.

Metrians are naturally inquisitive, and have an endless fascination with the workings of sorcery. With such powerful forces at their disposal, however, the organization operates under a strict academic hierarchy that prevents inexperienced or potentially abusive mages from accessing high-level spells. A Metrian who wields such magic therefore not only has the years of experience to justify the privilege, but also the respect of his or her peers as well.

In almost four hundred years of history, the Metrians have left their mark on many of Antaria's institutions. Virtually all of the major cities of the continent have massive libraries run by the Metrian Guild, and more than a few members of the nobility have had the benefit of a Metrian education. While the Metrians are not aligned with any nation, a number of political emissaries have certainly attempted to forge military alliances with them over the centuries.

As it stands, the Metrians are an interesting contradiction: They are a sect that has made the most progress towards an understanding of arcane forces, and yet has all but set aside the use of such magics in order to seek the responsibility that must go with it. The Metrians constantly strive to reach the heights of their field... but such circumstances perhaps only mean that they have the farthest to fall.

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