Monday, December 06, 2004


Feh. Blogger just did it again. This time it was a very nice reflection on using description to flesh out fictional characters. That's another piece of good writing that I'm never going to see again.

I can draw a number of unfavorable comparisons here, chief among them being the tyrannical editor, the harsh critic, and the ubiquitous Big Brother. However, for some reason, I'm reminded of Peter Parker's editor, J. Jonah Jameson. And that's even if, for all his bluster, J. Jonah never really rejected any of Peter's Spider-Man photos.


What does "ubiquitous" mean, anyway?

Ubiquitous (yoo'bikwitus)
adj. Being present everywhere at once.

Geez. These things probably burn themselves into my subconscious or something. It feels weird using a word and then realizing later on that you have no real idea as to the context the word should have been used in the first place.

Maybe that's why Blogger hates me at this point in time.

For now, though, I'm going to sit back and see if their tech support can explain the matter. It's not as though I'm willing to keep writing stuff that Blogger will just throw away, after all.


Dom Cimafranca said...

Shame about those lost entries. If you can't trust the tool, might I suggest a backup? Like a text editor on your local PC; then copy and paste to blogger. Just a thought....

Sean said...

I find that a difficult task, to be honest. It's as though Blogger gets me all reflective and literary, whereas an open text editor merely appears to be an open text editor.

It could just be me, though. On the other hand, I guess I don't have much of a choice about the matter right now...

Dom Cimafranca said...

Ah, interface issues. Well, then, another way would be to copy-and-paste to a text editor before hitting the submit key. Just for insurance.